Welcome to the ____ / ___) *StarShip* 5-MINUTE Weekend Newscast / (_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ___) / (__ very weekend the *StarShip* on GEnie presents a new 5-MINUTE Weekend (_____) Newscast in Communications Room 10 in the Real-Time Conference Area. Featuring late-breaking stories from the Amiga community, these dynamic, scrolling newscasts cycle every 5 minutes, so you can stop by between 6PM and 3AM Eastern time on Friday, or 3PM and 3AM Eastern time on Saturday or Sunday and learn everything that happened during the preceding week. Industry news, product announcements, upgrades, rumors, special *StarShip* activities, trade show reports, GEnie usage tips, humor, recommended files to download... ... the works -- and it ONLY takes 5 minutes! Each 5-MINUTE Weekend Newscast is available on *StarShip* Menu #10 during the following week. Periodically, newscasts are combined and made available for downloading from the *StarShip* Library. ____________________________________________________________ // \ || -*- IMPORTANT! -*- | || | || As long as individual stories are kept intact and credit | || is given, this material may be reproduced in ALL or PART | || on a privately owned BBS or in a user group newsletter. | || See wording for proper credit at the end of this Newscast. | \\____________________________________________________________/ || | || | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Denny Atkin, Editor, COMPUTE's Amiga Resource, for his generous input. Here we go!... DateLine: February 19, 1993 This 5-MINUTE Newscast presents the following stories: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. *StarShip* 5-MINUTE News Network Quickies: Babylon 5 Watch! Correction on Amiga Explorer Magazine Federation II To Release Amiga Front End Program World of Commodore/Amiga Show Coming Up Prizes Going to Winners This Week! Tell the World About It! 2. Gold Disk Ships PageSetter 3 -- Integrated Page Layout Program 3. Black Belt Systems Digital Evolving Soup 4. Next Week's *StarShip* Amiga Conferences 5. Power Up Your Images To ImageMaster 6. NeXT To Become Software Company 7. Fighter Duel Pro Flight Recorder Available *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 1st of 7 Stories *StarShip* 5-MINUTE News Network Quickies: ____ Babylon 5 Watch! / _ ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / __ / / _ ) (____/abylon 5, Warner Bros. television production featuring great special effects done with NewTek's Video Toaster, could be aired as soon as next week in your local market! This syndicated production is being made available to select TV stations this week by satellite. Don't miss it! Check your local broadcast schedule for details. ______ Correction on Amiga Explorer Magazine (__ __) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / / / / (_/he *StarShip* 5-MINUTE News recently provided information about a new Amiga magazine in the works from MicroMiga: Amiga Explorer Magazine. We blew it, however, when we came to the phone number, the correct one being: 619-670-3161. Interested parties may also contact John Ferguson via GE Mail at the address AMIGAEXPLORE. We apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused. ____ Federation II To Release Amiga Front End Program / _ ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ___/ / / (_/opular multi-player game, Federation II, on GEnie is about to release a splashy graphics and sound-equipped Amiga Front End program. In case you've never tried it, FedII is a wry space-trading game that comes with wry British humor, groats, spy-beams and a StarShip players can board and explore in the outer reaches of space -- which Amiga owners will find quite familiar at once. Watch for their announcement of the Amiga comm program that reduces typing and provides sound effects and graphics for your playing pleasure. _ _ World of Commodore/Amiga Show Coming Up / \/ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ / /\ /\ \ (_/ \/ \_)ark your calendar! The next World of Commodore/Amiga show is set for early April in New York City, and it promises to be a biggie! If you can't make it, don't despair. The *StarShip* News Network will have a full report, including previews of exhibitors and what they'll be introducing and demonstrating. Stay tuned! ____ Black Belt Prizes Going to Winners This Week / ___) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / (_ / ___) / (_ verybody was a winner at our Black Belt Real-Time Conference last (____) month -- and the prizes are being mailed this week. Several lucky participants won ImageMaster systems, but EVERYONE there who sent in their street address by GE Mail received a free Black Belt Notebook program. Since this cool little program is not well known in the community, here's what it is: NoteBook is a unique product designed for your personal use. It actually moves the functionality of the paper notebook from your desk to your Amiga's display. You can use lined paper, graph paper, blank paper; you can put tabs on the pages and you can write or doodle to your heart's content. Special structured drawing tools make drawing in NoteBook more flexible and fun than any other Amiga drawing program. Nothing else comes close to NoteBook! Key Features of NoteBook: o Named tabs can be attached to any page -- click on them and that page will be displayed on your screen. o Complete set of structured drawing tools: Freehand, ellipse, line, arc, polygon, polyarc, undo redo o Drawing tools allow hot repositioning o Amiga fonts are objects, as are the drawing elements o Any object can be repositioned, sized, etc., even after placement o Multiple level UnDo, single level ReDo o IFF and ASCII import + export: 2-32 colors, halfbright, and HAM images on IFF import Raw or word-wrapped ASCII text import o Extremely fast - amazing high speed redraws! o Notebooks can contain multiple named section o No slowdown with additional pages -- no limit to number of pages o Will iconify to a tiny window on Workbench for quick access o Any number of levels of grouping for objects - ungrouping too! o Save individual graphic elements for other drawings o Extremely user-friendly o Use paperclips to mark pages for instant access o Clipboard provides cut, copy and paste capabilities o Change page style anytime, even after drawing are on page o Plus many more features! NoteBook runs on any Amiga model and is compatible with Workbench 1.3 and 2.0, requiring 1 megabyte of memory and 512K of Chip RAM. Retail price is only $29.95. Contact Black Belt in Category 29 on the *StarShip* Bulletin Board for more information. NoteBook is highly recommended by the *StarShip* for productivity and yes, even fun! It comes with a free-standing, freely distributable utility that lets you share your NoteBook projects with others -- upload your projects to the *StarShip* Library as soon as they are complete! _ Tell the World About It! / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / - \ / ___ \ (_/ \_)s you undoubtedly know, the *StarShip* 5-MINUTE Weekend News may be reprinted on privately owned bulletin board services and in user group newsletters -- it's even distributed on the Internet to thousands of people around the world! That makes the 5-MINUTE News a great way to for the Amiga community to be informed about new products and services in a timely manner as they become available. Amiga developers, vendors and publishers interested in getting out the word to this vast audience about their products and services should send announcements and press releases to the *StarShip* for inclusion in our 5-MINUTE Weekend Newscasts. Doing so is easy and, of course, there is no charge. You may leave Feedback to the Amiga SysOps on page 555 for details, or send your information via GE Mail to P.HERRINGTON. If you announcement isn't readily available in ASCII text format, you may send it by FAX during daytime business hours to 505/344-9180. Remember: It doesn't do much good to design a better mousetrap if the mousers never find it. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 2nd of 7 Stories Gold Disk Ships PageSetter 3 -- Integrated Page Layout Program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Features include a Word Processor, Spell Checker, _____ Paint Program and User Access to 120+ Clip Art Files. / ____) / /___ Toronto, Canada -- February 1993 / /( ) / (__) / (______/old Disk, the leading developer of professional productivity software for the Commodore Amiga personal computer, announces immediate availability of PageSetter 3, an enhanced version of the company's popular entry-level page layout software. PageSetter 3, designed to provide users with an integrated text and graphics creation and layout solution, includes a full featured page layout program, a word processor and spell checker, and a color paint program. All of the modules are hot-linked together eliminating the hassle of making changes. With a click of a mouse users can instantly make changes, spell check, and search and replace. Also included in PageSetter 3 is a selection of more than 120 pieces of high resolution, professionally drawn structured clip art. "This product is designed to meet the needs of users starting out in desktop publishing. Documents, newsletters, brochures, and even resumes utilizing the features inherent in PageSetter 3 can potentially increase communication effectiveness," said Mike Iampietro, sales and marketing manager for Amiga products at Gold Disk. "Never before has a page layout program been so easy to use, yet so robust as PageSetter 3." Additional features include: o Support for Commodore's new AGA chipset giving users up to 256 on-screen color support. o Automatic text run-around graphics. o Layout rulers, margin/column indicators and snap-to-grid for precision alignment and layout. o Built-in structured drawing tools for lines, rectangles, ellipses and polygons. o Output capability as large as 17" by 17". o Sharp output to the highest possible resolution of Preferences and PostScript printers. o A variety of type styles including bold, italic, underline, outline, and user-defined pattern fills. System Requirements, Pricing and Availability PageSetter 3 will run on any Amiga with 1 MB of RAM and two disk drives. It is compatible with Workbench 1.3, 2.0 and 3.0. PageSetter 3 is available now from Amiga Dealers or from the company direct. Suggested retail price is $99.00. Gold Disk's other Amiga products include Professional Draw, a professional graphic illustration package, VideoDirector, a complete personal videotape editing system, ProfessionalCalc, a spreadsheet program, and Professional Page 4.0, the company's award-winning desktop publishing program. Gold Disk Inc., founded in 1984, is the leading developer and publisher of desktop presentation and business productivity software for Window-based PC, Macintosh and Amiga computer users, and is a software licensee of the MPC trademark, developing products to support this multimedia standard. Gold Disk is privately held, based in Mississauga, Ontario, with sales and marketing offices in Torrance, California. For more information, contact them at 385 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 110, Torrance CA 90501, phone 310-320-5080. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 3rd of 7 Stories Black Belt Systems Digital Evolving Soup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Glasgow, MT -- February 1993 Artificial Life! \_\_\_\_/o Evolutionary Software! - - - - - - (_]_]_]_): ____ Grow Strange Creatures! / / / / \o / ___) Be A God! / (_ / ___) Am I kidding? No! / / (_/or anyone who has been following the work in "artificial life" lately, we're assuredly in what can be safely called "exciting times." Techniques that are both easy to understand and implement have been "discovered" hiding under the catch-all phrase of "evolutionary methods." These techniques allow easy computer implementation of systems which learn; and not only learn, but exhibit astonishingly complex behaviour as well. Unfortunately for those of us who like to follow such cool things, there's been nothing available that would demonstrate this class of software in a way that was easy to understand, much less accessable and fun for the average computer person. Until now. Introducing: Black Belt Systems Digital Evolving Soup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The software that gives new meaning to "Waiter, there's a FLY in my soup!" - Easy to use - Easy to understand - Graphically oriented - Designed to let you readily tweak, poke, prod, and worse. Er, more. So, here's the big question - are YOU interested? It's a hard question to answer offhand, and that's the why of this post. I'm truly not certain of what to do with this software. A great deal of time went into its development (ok, it's true - I sleep very little... :^) and everyone who has seen it seems to be quite taken with it. Which I did NOT expect, frankly. Let me poke you with a few questions, all quite serious if not lacking in smiles: Would you like to have a program that shows YOUR critters running round, live (to abuse a word), on your computer monitor? Ever get the urge to hand optimize a genome? Are you one of those people obsessed with wondering what "Johnny" will be like when he grows up? Got an itch to implement a eugenics regimen on your neighbors? Do your friends and family ever accuse you of "playing god," or wanting to? Ever wonder what would happen if the background cosmic radiation suddenly increased? Did you read William Gibson's "Neuromancer" and mutter to yourself for days about the Turing Police? Like the ads say, if you answered yes to one or more of these questions you're, well, you're probably a candidate for the loony bin. Except I *do* have something that's likely to keep you home sitting in front of your computer instead of telling people these things and getting a bad reputation. What I do with this software is up to you, and the rest of the net community. I'm having fun with it, and frankly that's what I wrote it for, but it would seem (if you listen to the people around here) that perhaps others might want to poke and prod this thing a bit. I have packaged this program inexpensively and can get it into your hands for 25 bucks including shipping. But it's only available direct from Black Belt Systems. My online inquiries indicate GREAT interest in it and if lots of you evidence that by placing your order, well, then we get to the issue of Version Two. For more information on all of our products, check out the Black Belt Category (number 29) on the *StarShip* Bulletin Board. Ben Williams Call (800) 852-6442 if you just gotta have it now. Black Belt Systems Orders accepted for credit cards and COD. ----------------------------------- Black Belt Systems Digital Evolving Soup Requires AmigaDOS 2.0 and a Warped Mind ----------------------------------- Disclaimer: They're not alive when we ship to you. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 4th of 7 Stories __________________________________________________________________________ | | | *StarShip* Amiga Conferences | | ____ _ | | / ___) / ) | | / (_ ____ / /_ ___ __ __ ____ ___ __ __ | | / ___)/ ___)/ _ )/ __)/ / / // _ ) / __)/ / / / | | / / / __) / (/ // / / (_/ // (/ / / / / (_/ / | | (_/ (____)(____/(_/ (_____((_____)(_/ (___ / | | ___/ / | | (____/ | | | | Except where noted, Conferences begin at 10PM Eastern Time in the Amiga | | Conference Rooms at Page 555;2. Amiga Programmers meet Wednesday nights | | at Pro/Am on Page 670. Amiga/GEnie HelpDesk EVERY Night at 9PM Eastern. | |__________________________________________________________________________| | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Humpday |Thursday | Friday | Saturday | | Help@9EST| Help@9EST|Help@9EST| Help@9EST|Help@9EST| Help@9EST| Help@9EST| |__________|__________|_________|__________|_________|__________|__________| | 21 | 22 | 23 |\ | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | |5-MIN News| | _| | | | New |5-MIN News| | 3PM-3AM | DeskTop | (_) | AmiGames |vv-Video!|*StarShip*|9:Hardware| | -*- |Publishing| Mad | ------ | with | 5-MINUTE | Clinic | |10PM: | Night | Music |Programing| Yury & | Newscast |10: Amiga | | Graphics | | Night |at Pro/Am | Guests | 6PM-3AM |PartyNight| |__________|__________|_________|__________|_________|__________|__________| HelpDesk *EVERY* NIGHT @ 9PM Eastern Time! Got a problem? If you have questions about learning to use your Amiga, the *StarShip* or GEnie, we have answers! Stop by Conference Room 4 ANY EVENING from 9 to 10 EST for live, on-the-spot help. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 5th of 7 Stories Power Up Your Images To ImageMaster _____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / _ ) Glasgow, MT -- February 1993 / / ) / / (_/ / (_____/wn any of the following software packages? ASDG's AdPro ASDG's AdPro2 ASDG's Morph Plus ASDG's EPSON scanner support software If so, Black Belt Systems has a special offer for you. When you send us any page from any of these ASDG manuals and $94.95 in US funds, we'll send you your very own pre-registered copy of Imagemaster, with full technical support already activated. Shipping is free. This is an amazing $155.00 savings from the retail price of Imagemaster! That's right, for just this one-time low price you can keep your ASDG software, yet still upgrade to: o True WYSIWYG image processing on any number of images at once o True WYSIWYG image composition with blending, feathering and masking o True WYSIWYG paintbox: fills, blends, masked brushes, etc o True WYSIWYG image analysis - area, distance, color counts, and more o Standard WYSIWYG operations, plus several no one else offers: - PolyArcs - Custom Shapes - Live Repositioning - Ellipses - Rectangles - Freehand - Polygons - Floodfills - Area by Color - Undo & ReDo - Centered Rects - Logical Regions o Better than three times the image manipulation tools that AdPro2 offers, all WYSIWYG, not limited to full-screen as is AdPro2 o Making much better looking Amiga-mode images than does AdPro2 o The capability of handling many more image file formats than AdPro2 o A sophisticated, multitasking, '040 friendly and easy to use scanner support system for the 24-bit EPSON flatbed scanners o The most powerful and flexible morphing software available for any PC, anywhere - ASDG's Morph Plus is nowhere near as flexible. o Memory-friendly: Imagemaster does NOT "grab" all your memory as does AdPro and Morph Plus. We did it right! o Imagemaster actually lets you operate on images in the new AGA modes o Regular, significant upgrades - we upgrade almost every month o Direct support for GigaMem VM software - to handle huge images o Sends images directly to GVP's powerful ImageFX software o Includes complete developer support C & ARexx code + examples Want more info? Just call us toll-free during Mountain Time business hours. Offer is valid for a limited time only -- until the end February 1993! Free shipping available to customers in the continental United States and Canada; outside these areas, a shipping charge does apply. Offer is also valid for ASDG's AdPro software which the customer has obtained as a part of Commodore's "power-up" offer for the new Amiga a4000 and a1200 machines. Requires WorkBench 2.0 or higher, hard disk drive and at least 5 megs memory. For more information or to place your order, contact: Black Belt Systems | Sales & Sales info: (800) 852-6442 (USA and Canada) 398 Johnson Road | ...or (406) 367-5513 (Elsewhere) Glasgow, MT | Tech Info: (406) 367-5509 59230 | FAX: (406) 367-2329 USA | BBS: (406) 367-2227 Amiga is a trademark of Commodore Business Machines. AdPro, AdPro2 and Morph Plus are trademarks of ASDG. Gigamem is a trademark of Innovatronics. ImageFX is a trademark of GVP & Nova Design. -*- *StarShip* NEWS *Flash* 6th of 7 Stories NeXT To Become Software Company _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / \ / ) Redwood City, CA -- February 10, 1993 / \/ / / /\ / (_/ \_/eXT Computer, Inc. today announced that it is accelerating its transition to a software company and plans to sell its hardware operations. The restructured company's mission is to establish NeXTSTEP as one of the leading object-oriented software environments for developing and deploying client/server applications on industry-standard hardware platforms. "We had planned to make this a more gradual transition, but the imminent availability of the Intel processor version of NeXTSTEP, combined with the commoditization of the hardware industry, meant we had no choice but to accelerate our schedule," said Steven P. Jobs, NeXT's chairman and CEO. "We need to act now to capitalize on our market lead before Cairo and Taligent enter the game." NeXTSTEP is widely recognized as the most advanced object-oriented system software environment currently available. With seven years of development behind it and 50,000 users, its lead over Taligent's operating system and Microsoft's Cairo neither of which is expected to ship before the end of 1994 is significant. Industry analysts such as IDC anticipate a significant shift from traditional to object-oriented desktop operating systems during the mid-1990s. The Transition NeXT began the transition to a software company today with the announcement of its restructuring. The transition will be complete by the second-annual NeXTWORLD Expo, May 25-27 in San Francisco, where 10,000 customers are expected to attend more than 100 exhibits, a developer conference and a user conference. NeXT emerges from this transition not only as a more focused company, but also as a stronger business. NeXT as a software supplier will have a leaner 200-person operation and a pipeline of orders for the Intel processor version of NeXTSTEP. Significantly, NeXT is also developing alliances with hardware manufacturers that would have been difficult or impossible to develop if NeXT had itself remained a manufacturer of proprietary hardware. NeXT is currently expanding all areas of its software operations to emphasize technologies where NeXT adds unique value. At the same time, because NeXT is no longer in the hardware business, it is eliminating all aspects of its hardware operations, from design through manufacturing, and scaling back sales, marketing and administration. Of NeXT's more than 530 employees, 200 will remain in the new company; approximately 280 will be let go from sales, marketing, manufacturing and administration worldwide. NeXT is providing terminated employees with a generous separation package as well as a variety of outplacement services. Production has now ceased for NeXT's hardware. NeXT has an existing inventory to fill customer orders until May 25, when the Intel processor version of NeXTSTEP will be available. All existing support and service agreements will be honored. NeXT will be selling its hardware design center and factory. Announcements will be forthcoming. NeXTComputer, Inc. develops and markets the industry-acclaimed NeXTSTEP object- oriented software for industry-standard computer architectures such as the Intel486 and Pentium. NeXTSTEP is used by corporate customers to develop and deploy client/server applications, using both custom and shrink-wrapped productivity software. NeXT, the NeXT logo, NeXTSTEP and NeXTWORLD are trademarks of NeXT, Inc. Intel486 and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. -*- *StarShip* Amiga *Flash* 7th of 7 Stories Fighter Duel Pro Flight Recorder Available _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / ) Rockville, MD -- February 193 __ / / ( (_/ / \___/aeger Software has announced availability of FDPro Flight Recorder, the first aerodynamic motion path generator available for the Amiga. Flight Recorder has gained some new 3D program output formats. Flight Recorder can now generate Imagine 2.0 staging files, Impulse 3D object format, Vista Pro camera script files, Videoscape/Lightwave object files, as well as Lightwave 3D motion files. Flight Recorder retains all the breakthrough features of the Fighter Duel WWII flight simulator series, while adding the ability to create realistic and complex object motion paths for use with NewTek's Lightwave 3D software as well as Impulse's Imagine 3D and Virtual Reality Lab's Vista Pro. FDPro Flight Recorder also has the ability to simultaneously generate Fighter Duel Pro Demo Reels that can be used to review the flights. Now you can create in minutes an aerodynamically correct flight path that once took years, or a company's logo move that took weeks. Flight Recorder simultaneously records the positional and attitude information of three aircraft at 30 frames per second for a duration of 45 minutes on a 9 megabyte system. Motion paths can then be imported into Lightwave 3D and Imagine to animate flying objects, the camera viewpoint, aircraft, spacecraft, and logos. The second and third aircraft are controlled either by computer or by another person via serial port link. FDPro Flight Recorder runs on any Amiga with 3 or more megs of RAM, Kickstart 1.2 or higher, hard drive recommended. Release date for FDPro Recorder is March 1, 1993, and the list price is $79.95, although for a limited time the direct order price is $70. FDPro Flight Recorder is available to owners of Fighter Duel Pro as an upgrade for $25 by sending Jaeger the original Disk1 and $25 (certified check or money order, shipping included). For more information, you can reach Jaeger Software in the *StarShip* Bulletin Board or by writing to 7800 White Cliff Terrace, Rockville, MD 20855, or call 301/948-6862. -*- Over a GIGABYTE of Amiga files in our Library! Catch your limit of Fred FISH Disks from the *StarFish* Library. If you are after a SINGLE PROGRAM on a Fish Disk, SEARCH for it before downloading the disk. Most are available separately! _______________________________________________________________ | | | | | Permission is hereby granted to quote ALL or PART of this | | Newscast on a privately owned BBS or in a user group news- | | letter (*) provided you include the following credit: | | | | Reprinted by Permission from the 5-MINUTE Weekend | | News Network, a *StarShip*(tm) Production on GEnie(R). | | * /\ / | |_________________________________________________ ___/ \___ _| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ oo / ~ . \ \__/ / _ (*) We would like to know about it / \ if you do, and you can tell us \ /\ / *FREE* by leaving Feedback to / \/ \/ \ the SysOps on GEnie Page 555. *StarFish* Librarian The February *StarShip* Monthly Online Magazine V i e w P o r t _______________________________ / \\ | *StarShip* || | ViewPort Online Magazine! || | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || | Reviews: ASDG's ADPro, Maxis || | A-Train, Pinball Fantasies, || | Denny Atkin's Brand New Book || | and Two HD Backup Utilities! || | || | HAM8 and PCMCIA Explained, || | Running with ARexx and More! || | || \______________________________// Available now FREE on GEnie*Basic Menu Option 9 on Page 555 Back Issues of ViewPort may be downloaded from the Library. Get Y O U R copy before they're gone!